So you scanned the QR code?

Firstly, it was great meeting you. This isn’t a page most people see unless we really wanted to keep in touch!

The Semi-Manditory Self Portrait

About Justin

You’re welcome to check out my LinkedIn and get the full resume. But the information you’re probably wondering about with regards to Route 66 Labs is here.

Originally Route 66 Labs set out to be an analytical testing and R&D lab in New Mexico. As I got deeper into licensing it became clear that being a lab meant the connections and projects I enjoyed doing so much had to go away.

So, instead of getting “stuck” in a lab business I pivoted the company to continue doing what I love, working with people from all over the industry. I’ve made a career out of creatively solving problems and finding solutions others thought impossible.

Route 66 Labs is a multi faceted starting point for all variety of projects. Leveraging years of experience, business contacts, and industry knowledge there isn’t much that’s unknown territory.

Route 66 Labs, through our network, offer consulting, sales and marketing, brand ambassador services, social media, web design, manufacturing, logistics, research, and more.


New Mexico
State Director
National Board Member &
Director of Analytics
"Hemp Guy"

Hannibal Barca, a Carthaginian general, was once asked how he was planning on invading Rome. The city was so well defended nobody dared to try.

Hannibal’s response…

"I'll find a way, or I'll make a way."

He “made his way” by riding african elephants through the alps with his army.

At Route 66 Labs, we’ll find a way or we’ll make a way…probably without the elephants.

Route 66 Labs Overview

Brand Ambassador

Working directly with Jason Gann, the Australian actor from Wilfred on FX, we help get Wilfred brand products into new locations. We are also helping to shape the future of their marketing plans and future roll out of new products.

Brand Ambassador

Representing High Spirits in New Mexico we are helping drive hemp derived Delta 9 products into new venues. With the federally legal hemp designation we are actively approaching venues that can not qualify for a cannabis consumption lounge. (Restaurants, Casino’s, Event Centers, and more.)

Branding & Marketing

Working with the team at Waxy Brown LLC we helped develop the logo, packaging, marketing, and website for this cannabis cleaning product. *Route 66 Labs is a fractional owner of the brand as well.

"Hemp Guy"
Waxy Browns Flower Power Hour

As the “Hemp Guy” on Waxy Browns Flower Power Hour I call in each week to our FM Radio show. As one of the first hemp/cannabis FM radio shows we live stream to 75,000+ people around the world. We also are much of the driving force behind cannabis culture in Missouri.


*Recommend you listen to the video above with sound.

Event Production & Coordination

Early in 2022 I was asked to do video production as well as facilitate the live stream of speakers for the Cannabis Science and Industry Congress in Costa Rica. Working with experts from around the world and overcoming language barriers as well as algorithm issues with YouTube we were able to put on the first cannabis and hemp conference in Costa Rica. The team who put on the conference were working with the government to put into place their legal market for hemp and cannabis and even announced legalization in conjunction with our event.

Affiliate/Brand Ambassador

Working with the team from Trojan Horse Cannabis Route 66 Labs is an affiliate and brand ambassador for these products. Recognizing hemp derived Delta 9 THC can be sold in places most people overlook we are pioneering new avenues for them.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA